What Is A Date Food
More than 40 varieties of dates are grown in Arabia alone. Except for infant formulas product dates are not expiration dates. Dates Truly Are The Fruit Of Paradise Fruit The Guardian Since confusion surrounding a date could mean throwing out perfectly good food here are some tips about food package dates and storage for some common foods on your shopping list. What is a date food . The date listed is an estimate of how long the food will be of optimal quality. Theyre native to the Middle East and have been a part of the regions cuisine for thousands of years. Are Dates a Healthy Food. Dates are comprised of a large proportion of simple sugars being mainly in the form of glucose and fructose which are used heavily for energy by the body. Dates are a fruit that come from the date palm tree which is typically native to the Middle East although they are also now grown in the Mediterranean Asia the USA and Mexico. It also contains calcium iron phosphorus potassium magnesium and...