Owning A Pig
A pig can easily be trained to walk on a leash and harness and to ride in a car. Owning a Pig is dedicated to my amazing pig Pumbaa. Pig Owning Women On How They Couldn T Be Without Their Pet Porkers Express Digest They root and can become destructive if not given the proper stimuli to entertain themselves or others. Owning a pig . This would likely be the most discussed thing among pet proprietors who have a guinea pig at their home. And they are for the right people but they are not the pet for everyone. They are usually about 120 or 150 pounds but are about the size of a small dog. You dont want a huge pig trotting around your house all day. While you can teach a pig to retrieve an object a pig will only cooperate if amply rewarded with treats. One of the best pig breeds for that is the pot belly pig. They need outdoor space and of course lots of food. They are great pets and are often full of character. Full-grown mini pigs can weigh between 150 and 180 pounds...