
Showing posts with the label bobcats

Bobcats As Pets

Pet cats do show affection in lots of ways--slow eye blinks presenting their bellies physically sitting on or leaning against you--but the cheek rub isnt one of them. The person with the bobcat is getting a lot of pleasure from the relationship. Bobcats As Pets Do Bobcats Make Good Pets They are native in most US states and require a permit from the state fish and game. Bobcats as pets . Many websites and organizations would be appalled at the mere thought of owning such an exotic pet exclaiming that these animals all belong in the wild and that keeping one in a domestic setting is obvious animal cruelty. Domesticated means being a pet and being a pet means an animal kept for companionship or pleasure. Even a tamed bobcat still possesses wild instincts and can pose a threat to your safety. However bobcats actually make excellent pets. Pet Bobcats are not typical pets by a long shot and for those that have one they know this. 35 states ban keeping big cats as pets with vary...