
Showing posts with the label crave

What Is Your Body Missing When You Crave Salt

When you crave salt there are usually a few reasons why you are having this craving one being a mineral deficiency. Salt craving is a compelling or extreme desire to consume salt or salty foods. What Bitter Salty Sour Spicy And Sweet Food Cravings Say About Your Health Food Cravings Sour Foods Salty Foods Good fats and proteins. What is your body missing when you crave salt . Salt craving can sometimes be caused by a serious underlying medical condition such as adrenal insufficiency or Bartters syndrome. 6 Foods You Crave What Your Body REALLY Wants 1. But have you made sure that you are getting enough energy from other good sources ie. More than likely if you are reading this blog you have cut out grains processed foods and other nasties which has cut back your carbohydrate intake. Your body might actually be telling you that you need more calcium iron or even potassium. Here is a handy key to help you translate your cravings. A craving for salty foods is. We nee...