
Showing posts with the label shoots

Bamboo Shoots Plant

If you need more Bamboo or Bamboo Shoots you need to find a bamboo. I followed your instructions so hopefully it will grow - I like the idea of my cuttings having a story to them rather than buying from a garden supply centre. Bamboo Shoots Plant Page 1 Line 17qq Com Bamboo is a grass and. Bamboo shoots plant . The local farmers were amused to see me riding back home with long shoots bamboo sticking up out of my backpack like some strange war banner of old times. Thanks very much Mark Just what I needed to know. 125 - 175 Mature Plant Drop 464. Like all grasses bamboo grows most lushly when supplied with ample moisture. Note that you cannot grow Bamboo by burying Bamboo pieces or Young Spring bamboo. Transplanting bamboo shoots is best done at the beginning of the growing season as soil temperature is warm and weather continues to warm and remain mild. Then take disinfected shears and cut the offshoot where it meets the stalk. If you are not growing your own these...