Dove Animal Testing
Dove does not test on animals. Unilever will be added to PETAs list of companies Working for Regulatory Change. Is Dove Cruelty Free Vegan In 2021 And Why It S Complicated We have removed all permissions for testing of our products by governments on our behalf. Dove animal testing . According to Doves official statements on their website and social media accounts Dove does not test on animals in any step of their manufacturing process. Doves animal testing policy contradicts itself. Dove is already enlisted in PETA campaign Currently they use the PETA bunny on their products. Is Dove a Cruelty Free Brand. Doveone of the worlds most widely available personal careproduct brandshas banned all tests on animals anywhere in the world and been added to PETAs Beauty Without Bunnies cruelty-free companies list. H2O Beauty does not test on animals nor do we ask others to test products or ingredients on animals on our behalf. They dont own cruelty testing laboratories and do...